Market closed on{{ momentLocal(derivativeInfo.maturity_time, 'MMM DD, YYYY [at] HH:mm') }}
{{ derivativeInfo.sq_text }}
Asks 24h Volume: {{ todaysVolume.toFixed(4) }} BTC
Market: {{ marketBidVolume }} BTC
Market: {{ marketAskVolume }} BTC Resumes: {{ circuitBreakEndTime }}
Market State: {{ marketState }} Bids
  • YTD P&L{{ signed(ytd, 2) }}USD
  • MTD P&L{{ signed(mtd, 2) }}USD
  • Daily P&L{{ signed(daily, 2) }}USD
  • Delta{{ comma3(delta) }}USD
  • Total Net Assets{{ usd(total) }}USD

Estimated Cost: {{ costLimit }} JPY
: {{ numeric(commission) }} BTC

{{ error }}

Estimated Cost: {{ costMarket }} JPY
: {{ numeric(commission) }} BTC

{{ error }}

  • {{ momentLocal(, 'HH:mm:ss') }} {{ his.subCurrency }} {{ his.mainCurrency }}
Open Orders
Date Pair Order Type Side Size Remaining Price Avg. Price

No Open Orders

You have no open orders.

Orders will appear semi-transparent, cannot be cancelled, and will not execute until received by us.

{{ pair(p.product_code) }} {{ i18nOrderType(p.order_type) }} {{ i18nSide(p.side) }} {{ p.size }} {{ numeric(p.size) }} {{ p.price }}
{{ pair(order.product_code) }} {{ i18nOrderType(order.order_type) }} {{ i18nSide(order.side) }} {{ order.size }} {{ numeric(order.outstanding_size) }} {{ order.average_price }}
Execution History
Date Pair Side Exec. Size Price Fee (BTC) State

Empty Execution History

None of your orders have executed yet.

{{ pairForDatetime(ex.pair, }} - {{ i18nSide(ex.side) }} - {{ numeric(ex.size) }} - {{ numeric(ex.fee) }} Self Trade {{ ex.state }}
  • << Welcome to the chatroom. Be nice. Please do not give your account information to anyone. >>
  • {{ momentLocal(, 'M/D HH:mm') }} {{ chat.nickname }} {{ chat.message }} {{ }}